Merits P320 Junior Review

The Merits Health P320 Junior is a lightweight, compact electric wheelchair that is easy to disassemble. Though it looks compact it is actually a powerful rear wheel drive powerchair with a high weight capacity. When fully assembled it weighs 135 pounds.
Merits S235 Pioneer 3 Wheel Scooter Review

If you are looking for a compact travel scooter with a low turning radius and adjustable features, then the S325 Pioneer 3-wheel scooter from Merits Health is the ideal choice. This mobility scooter can be disassembled and assembled in a couple of seconds.
EV Rider CityCruzer Review

The EV Rider CityCruzer brings together the advantages of a mid-size mobility scooter with the design of a transportable scooter. The four-wheel design with its full suspension provides maximum stability and smooth rides while maintaining the maneuverability of a three-wheel scooter due to its lower turning radius.
Enhance Mobility Mobie Plus Review

The Enhance Mobility Mobie Plus is an airline approved manual folding scooter. This 4-wheel scooter is perfect for someone who just wants basic mobility at an affordable price.
5 Mobility Scooters With The Widest Seats

Not many people shop for a mobility scooter with the widest seat as the main feature, but they should because proper seat width and depth are important to ensure a comfortable and safe ride.